The year is 1618 S.T. The Flame of Sartar has been extinguished. For generations, our wise kings and powerful magicians fought against the armies and demons of the Lunar Empire and kept us free. Now the people suffer under the tyranny of the Red Moon. In every hill fort, village, and tribe, there are prophesies of a new liberator who shall start the Hero Wars and free Sartar - the Argrath. Is it your destiny to be this Argrath and relight the Flame of Sartar?
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes is a supplement for the HeroQuest role-playing game that includes background information about a particular place in the fantasy world of Glorantha, rules for creating characters from this place and an epic campaign ready to play set in that place. That place is the Kingdom of Sartar and the characters belong to the Orlanthi culture, barbarians who worship the Storm pantheon, similar to a mix of Bronze Age cultures between central European Celts and Anatolian Hittites. The campaign allows the player characters to become true heroes whose deeds may well kick off the final rebellion against the Lunar Empire. Yes, that's right. But let's go bit by bit. First I'll deal with the look and then the contents of the book.
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First things first
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes was published by Moon Design in 2009. At that time, this creative group of people had recently obtained the rights to Glorantha and the first thing they did with them was to release this huge book with material from Greg Stafford himself and additions from Jeff Richards and many long-time contributors. The goal was to finally have all the information about the Orlanthi from Sartar you need to start playing in just one book. Later, in August 2015 Moon Design took over the management of Chaosium and now they sell it with the logo of Greg Stafford's publishing company on it.
You may wonder why this book was at all necessary. After all, Greg Stafford had already published several supplements detailing the Orlanthi of Sartar in the early 2000s. The reason is that back then the information was very dispersed in several supplements. For example: Thunder Rebels for the Orlanthi culture, Storm Tribe for the deities and their plethora of subcults, the Sartar Rising series for the scenarios, or Dragon Pass for the maps. On the one hand, Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes condenses all this information is in just one book that eliminates everything that was deemed superfluous. So everything you need is in this core mega-pack of juicy Gloranthan information. On the other hand, the previous books published under Issaries Inc. offered a massive amount of information that was difficult to digest. In particular, the myriad subcults of Orlanth and other major gods made the inexperienced player, and even veterans, dizzy! It was a realistic way of looking at the Orlanthi religion, but it was rather overwhelming in terms of gaming, so this return to a simpler and more accessible concept was well received by the fans.
Look and feel
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes is a 378-page black-and-white paperback with a multitude of full-color maps. The layout is typical of the Gloranthan products laid-out by Rick Meints, that is, double-column and with many small texts in the margins that further detail or explain some aspects. I like this style because it allows you to include more information on each page without the text looking crammed.
The cover art is by John Hogdson and depicts the Feathered Horse Queen, a key character in the history of Sartar, surrounded by other important characters such as Sartar himself and his companions. In the background, there is a stylized representation of Wintertop, an impossibly tall mountain in Dragon Pass, that seems to split the Red Moon in the sky. The first edition of the book had a different cover, by Simon Bray, but they changed it when the book was reprinted, because some fans considered it too amateurish. I agree it has some mistakes in anatomy and perspective, but I still prefer it to the current one, first because I find it more colorful and appealing and second because it shows a scene that is easier to understand (see below). On the contrary, the current cover (see above) looks rather abstract.
The interior art includes more than 200 pieces. Above all, I like Jed Dougherty's dynamic comic book style, and Juha Makkonen's and Regis Moulin's realistic style. Glorantha fans will also spot many pieces from older publications, such as Tales of the Reaching Moon and the French editions of some Gloranthan books. A lot of art from the King of Dragon Pass videogame is featured. There are also more than 20 color maps. The political maps of the Kingdom of Sartar by Colin Driver are clear and functional, in the style that would later be used for the encyclopedic Guide to Glorantha. In fact, these maps make this the first Gloranthan publication with color pages (!). The city maps by Gillian Pierce, in black and white, are a great addition, although they look more sketched than finished. In general, all the art is good despite the variety of styles and quality. Finally, there is a series of illustrations by Simon Bray towards the end of the book that are very detailed and very Gloranthan in feel, but whose technical quality leaves a lot to be desired.
N.B.: In later publications, starting with the two-volume The Red Cow campaign, the look of the Orlanthi changed and became much more inspired in the Bronze Age Mediterranean civilizations. For example, some readers might be startled by the differences in look between the town of Clearwine as depicted in this book and the one in the RuneQuest GM Screen Pack. Fortunately, this is purely an aesthetic matter that does not have any impact at all in the enjoyment of the book or its gameability.
The cover of the first edition shows the initial scene of the campaign included in the book. Can you spot the duck?
The contents
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes is divided between rules, background and then a truly epic campaign. After the introduction, you find four sections. The first two, Making your Orlanthi character and clan, and Magic and Religion, make up the rules part, which is fully intertwined with the background. On the other hand, the third chapter, The Orlanthi Book is pure background, lovingly detailed and useful. Finally, The Colymar Campaign describes a campaign in four scenarios. Let's now have a look at each chapter in more detail.
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Before the introduction there is a double preface by Greg Stafford and Jeff Richard in which they comment on how much and for how long they had hoped to get their hands on a supplement like this. Not surprisingly, as a future supplement called "The Sartar Campaign" was announced, based on Stafford's campaign material, already in the second edition of RuneQuest, back in 1979!
The introduction itself is six pages long and begins by saying that you only need one copy of the HeroQuest rules and this book to play epic campaigns in the Kingdom of Sartar. After briefly commenting on the book's structure, there is a basic introduction to Glorantha, Dragon Pass, the Orlanthi culture, the Kingdom of Sartar and the gods and goddesses of the Storm pantheon. It's a short and straightforward introduction, very useful for beginner gamemasters or to print out and give players a rundown of what it's all about. In fact, the authors thought about the latter and offer a free downloadable PDF with a Player's Primer. In addition, the two maps included help you place this region within the larger map of Glorantha. Finally, this section ends by defining the main themes of this setting: the relationship between the mythical and the mundane, the tension between freedom and oppression, the desires of the clan and the individual, and the tension between tradition and change. Of course, already on the first page the Orlanthi slogan "your Glorantha will be different" is recalled. This adage basically frees gamemasters and players from the unnecessary obligation to follow the background as if it were written in stone.
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Character and Clan Creation
Making your Orlanthi character and clan takes up 56 pages of the book. The book refers the reader to the HeroQuest rules with the appropriate details for Sartar. Since this book was published before HeroQuest Glorantha, the rules refer the reader to the generic edition of the rulebook. However, this supplement includes some details, especially as far as magic goes, that would later be included in the rulebook focused on Glorantha. For example, even though the Glorantha section of the generic rulebook specifies that characters can begin play with up to 3 runic affinities, here it is already stated that they start with 3.
Click on the image to see it better.
Unsurprisingly, character creation is as fast and easy as in HeroQuest, only here you get the keywords all characters in this region must have, such as "Clan member", "Occupation" and the 3 runic affinities. You learn about the background as you go. For example, in order to know what exactly you can do with the keyword "Clan member", there is a brief description of what is an Orlanthi clan like and what every clan member in Sartar can do. The same applies to the list of occupations you can choose from: farmer, priest, skald, lawspeaker and up to 15, each of them with their favored deities, most common runes, "wergild" or ransom and living standard. Of course, to know what "wergild" is, there is a small glossary that solves doubts about the Orlanthi social strata, and some others, like what is the clan's "tula" or "wyter". However, all this is dealt with in further detail in the section about the Orlanthi culture. The next step is choosing the runes of your character, which in most cases will be Air for men and Earth for women, and then a power rune or a condition rune. To help round up your character you can choose a name from a list and there are 5 example characters.
The character sheet is detailed and themed to the setting. I like that it includes a sort of mannequin you can draw your character on top of. Finally, you get a section about basic useful background to get a clearer picture of how is your character, and the basics you need to know "to get around" properly in the Orlanthi culture where the campaign is set. Daily life, food, villages, clothes and, most of all, the clan.
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Characters belong to a clan, and you need to create it. In HeroQuest, the communities characters belong to are important and in this case the basic community is the clan. All characters can belong to different clans, but it is far better for all of them to belong to the same clan, as this basically solves the perennial question of "Why do you all know each other?". Creating a clan is an easy and fun activity that achieves two goals: players create part of the background together and they learn about the background of the setting, as well as the history and relationships of their clan. The way to do it is by responding to a series of questions with multiple choices: the clan creation questionnaire. Glorantha being a world rooted in myth, some questions are like "What was about to exterminate your clan during the Greater Darkness?", up to the most recent history, like: "What did your clan learn after the Dragonkill War?" or "What did your clan do after the Lunar army occupied your land?". Every answer matters in game terms, usually a +1 or -1 to different scores in several aspects that define your clan that you can note down in the clan sheet. When you finish, your character's clan is perfectly defined: main resources, main virtues of its members, magical powers, and friends, allies and ancestral enemies. Of course, you also get information about how a clan works and a sample clan on the clan sheet. If you like to see it up close, a man called Charles Corrigan did the web version of the questionnaire, which makes all the math for you.
The whole process is very similar to the clan creation system in the first Gloranthan videogames starting with King of Dragon Pass and later Six Ages, where the concept was stolen from. It was even exported into RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, where it is used to create a character's family background.
Magic and Religion
These two words are central to the world of Glorantha, and so this is the longest section of the book. Herein are described the kinds of magic that the Sartarites use. The most common is rune magic, derived from the different deities of the Storm Pantheon, so you also get the HeroQuest rules for it, as well as a description of the Orlanthi religion, its main cults and their mythology. This is not applicable to all of Glorantha, because it is written strictly from the Orlanthi point of view.
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First you get a rundown of all the runes, plus some new ones that are specific to the region of Sartar. This was later repeated in HeroQuest Glorantha. Interesting aspects are what traits of personality every rune is connected to, the visibility of magic and then a small section about other, less common magic among the Orlanthi, like the fetishes of shamans, spells and natural magic talents.
The description of the Orlanthi religion goes to such level of detail as to include what it means to profess the religion of the Storm Pantheon, or what the initiation rites are like. Those who worship the gods do magic by using the runic affinity that matches one of the runes of a particular god or goddess. For example, to be initiated into a cult, you must first have a runic affinity in that god's runes of at least one mastery (1W). In this way, an initiate of Orlanth (god of storms) can use her affinity with the Air rune to create a gale or to have the wind turn aside her enemies' arrows. At a higher level of devotion to the cult, devotees not only use runic affinities, but they can also perform "feats". That means god-talkers, priestesses and runelords can reenact a mythic undertaking of their deity while on the mortal world. Devotees thus identify themselves so much with their goddess or god, that they can channel their magic as if they were the deity. This is the most powerful Orlanthi magic, but it entails some risks, which makes it both natural and ripe for telling epic stories.
Other topics covered in this section are temples, cult leaders, ritual magic, holy days or clan and even tribal magic ceremonies. Minor gods, wyters, (minor gods protecting a clan or tribe), and community magic. I love it that culture and magic are intertwined, because gods and goddesses can punish their followers when they act contrary to the ancestral traditions. For example, hospitality is sacred, and to transgress it means suffering divine wrath. The same goes for breaking an oath made in the name of a deity or the ancestors, or when you take too long to avenge an affront to the clan's honor. If you dare to do that, the gods will send reprisal agents to punish you and your community for your offense!
Click on the image to have a closer look
Under Orlanthi mythology the core myths of the Orlanthi culture are collected, starting with the Celestial Court and up to the Lightbringers Quest (the myth of how Orlanth and his allies saved the world from destruction). And all the heroes from before Time and after, until the confrontation between Orlanth and the Red Goddess. I find it odd though, that the Lightbringers Quest is cut in half in two different sections.
Then in Cults of Sartar you can read about the most important gods and goddesses worshipped in Sartar. Each includes a rough number of worshippers and other details that help you understand its relative weight in the region: Issaries, Ernalda, Eurmal, Storm Bull, Chalana Arroy are some of these deities. Uralda, the cow goddess, is missing even though she is quite important in King of Dragon Pass. Since Orlanth and Ernalda are the main deities of the Orlanthi culture, they get the longest descriptions (14 and 10 pages respectively). Foreign deities present in Sartar are also described, such as the Red Goddess or Yelmalio. The main cult centers of the region are also described, such as the mountain Kero Fin, the hill of Humakt or the sacred city of Whitewall, all of them conveniently marked on a map.
I like that every cult description also includes one well-known devotee. For example, Minaryth Purple in the case of Lhankhor Mhy. This helps see the religion in action and also provides some NPCs for you to use.
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Heroquests are one of those aspects that make the world of Glorantha unique. In this section, you can read one of the most accessible, clear and complete accounts on what they are, what they are used for and how to run them in your games. Of course, HeroQuest Glorantha also deals with this topic, but here you get 13 pages more, always from the Orlanthi point of view. A heroquest is described as "a magical voyage where you reenact the mythic deeds of the gods and heroes. It is the source of the most powerful Orlanthi magic and it allows your community and you to interact straight away with the Other World".
There are three kinds described: holy day ceremonies, heroquests undertaken in the Mortal World and heroquests in the Other World (the hero plane). After that, a great number of pages are devoted to show you how to run a heroquest. Starting with the basics: choosing an appropriate myth, how to go out of its limits and its risks, the preparations and up until the goal of the quest.
Then the book goes on to tell you how to develop them: how to begin, how to structure them, how to narrate them, their collateral consequences, what happens if they go wrong, etc. Every section is accompanied by a brief example of play that goes a long way to understand how this is played. The example follows the Lightbringers Quest as a "This World" heroquest, and you get a sample of what enemies and obstacles your players may face if they ever attempt this important but difficult heroquest that takes 14 days to complete.
Click on the image to see it bigger
So far I have only covered the first 205 pages and there is still a bit to go through...! I mean, this could have well been published in 2 or three different books, but having it all together in one thick volume is great, in my opinion. Are you ready for more? OK, let's go on then...
The Orlanthi culture
This comprises all you ever needed to know about the Orlanthi in Dragon Pass. The level of detail is higher than any other book about them (although I haven't compared it to the contents of the old Thunder Rebels). Following the style of King of Sartar, it is said that this is a collection of real in-world documents about the Orlanthi, but it actually is written in a clear way, just as any other good roleplaying book. The first 13 pages focus on the several core concepts that define individuals pertaining to the Orlanthi culture: age, gender, sort of marriage, status, religious hierarchy and occupation. Each of these contains details about this culture, such as what it means to be elderly, the differences between men and women, the 7 kinds of marriage, the different social strata, and the responsibilities of every individual. Only funerals are strangely absent from this analysis, and only mentioned in passing in several points along the book.
Then you get a description of the Orlanthi social organizations in increasing order of magnitude. Firstly, the blood line, then the clans, and finally the tribes. Politics are included here, of course, as the several different kinds of clan rings are described, as well as the benefits and responsibilities of clan chiefs and tribal kings. Finally, you get a section about how Orlanthi justice works. Again, all this will ring a bell if you have previously played the King of Dragon Pass videogame. But do not worry if you haven't yet, because everything is clearly explained without giving anything for granted.
The book also tells you about the history of the Kingdom of Sartar. In 9 pages you will learn it all, from the recolonization of Dragon Pass by humans (the timeframe in King of Dragon Pass). Then the arrival of Sartar and all his deeds that culminated in the foundation of the kingdom that bears his name. This is followed by a list of all the later kings and queens, together with a family tree of the House of Sartar. Afterwards the Lunar invasion is described, and of course, the rebellion. As is only appropriate, this includes also information about famous rebel leaders such as Kallyr Starbrow and Broyan of Whitewall.
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One of the sections that most surprised me was the one dealing with the different tribes of the kingdom. I wasn't expecting to find so many tribal kings allied with the Lunar Empire. But of course, the state of affairs must be dire for our heroes to lead an epic fight against the occupation forces. This is accompanied with a handy map of all the tribes. There are also other maps signaling the main cities and then a gazetteer of the main places of interest in Sartar, which includes human cities like Alda-chur or the Sun County, inhuman cities like Dragon Eye, and geographical spots such as the legendary Snake Pipe Hollow or the Upland Marsh. I also liked a lot the extensive section about Boldhome, the main city in the kingdom, and the maps of this and other smaller towns like Jonstown, Swenstown and Wilmskirk.
Of interest to any GM will be the adventure hooks that can help inspire simple scenes or whole scenarios, which remind me of the "rare events" of the old Genertela supplement for RQ3. This section should also have included some encounter tables, with scenes to throw at your players, but due to space limits, these tables had to be included into the Sartar Companion.
The neighboring kingdoms and other inhabitants of Dragon Pass are also described in the book: the Volsaxings and Esrolians to the south, the Tarshites to the north, the Sun Dome templars, the fearsome Telmori werewolves, the Grazelanders on the western half of Dragon Pass (including a map), the Praxian nomads to the east or even the Black Horse mercenaries. Even the inhuman enemies: Aldryami, dwarves, Uz, dragons and dragonewts, beast men and tusk riders. I love it that each of these descriptions is written in the 1st person, as it helps roleplay them. For example: "We are the subjects of Pharandros, King of Tarsh" or "We live in Esrolia, the land of 10,000 goddesses". All of them finish with the general opinion that the Sartarites have of them. For example: "The Tarshites are much like us, except for those that copy the ways of their Lunar masters". Finally, 9 pages are devoted to the invaders: the Lunars in Sartar. These are "the baddies", the occupation army, so their description takes much more space. You get brief descriptions of the main kinds of Lunars and then a long section about their armies and leaders, like Fazzur the Wideread or Tatius the Bright. It even explains the terms of the Peace Treaty in Sartar and the taxes the Empire uses to bleed the Orlanthi tribes and clans under their foot.
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Before the campaign proper, the section about the Orlanthi offers specific information on the Colymar tribe, which is the suggested tribe for the playing characters. Describing in detail the 20 tribes of Sartar would have taken up hundreds of pages, so this one serves as a sample. There is background about the tribe's history, and a list of the tribal kings starting with Colymar himself, the first Orlanthi to lead the recolonization of Dragon Pass and ends centuries later with the current king: Kangharl Blackmoor, "who sold his tribe to the Lunar way, and forced his people to swallow the bitter Lunar poison so he could be king". The tribe's 12 clans are also briefly described, with the Orlmarth clan as the suggested clan for starting players. You also get a short gazetteer of the tribal lands, with places such as Clearwine, the fort of the tribal king, the Rainbow Mounds or even a small village of no importance called Apple Lane, among many others. Obviously, this is accompanied by 3 color maps detailing the history, the main towns and the different clans' lands. All of this provides the basics for your players to move around during their first adventures.
The Colymar Campaign
These are 169 pages devoted to start adventuring in the Kingdom of Sartar. The campaign is made of 4 scenarios that work as the basic frame the GM can flesh out with further adventures to create a truly epic campaign. If you do not want to get creative, you can purchase the Sartar Companion supplement, which includes seven scenarios plus encounters or use the old scenarios from the HeroWars game, such as the Sartar Rising series.
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This is "a gameable campaign that places you and your players at the center of an epic storyline of love, vengeance, and mythic adventure". It includes advice on how to prepare the campaign and how to create characters and their clan. It describes the Orlmarth clan as the immediate surroundings of the player characters, including a small gazetteer of important places in the clan's lands, and two maps. It is the best approach to begin a campaign in Glorantha, a world where new GMs are sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of background there is to digest. Here it is only necessary for your players to know the most immediate elements to their characters. Then, both players and their characters can learn more little by little as they get out of their starting small piece of land.
A detail that surprises many people who do not know about the HeroQuest rules is that its scenarios do not include NPC stats. This means there is more space for adventure material and if you plan to run this with another RPG, such as maybe RuneQuest Glorantha, you can use more of its contents. In fact, I would say that 91% of this book is still usable even if you do not plan to play with the HeroQuest rules, which is remarkable. The reason why HeroQuest does not need any NPC stats is because its rules allow the GM to just wing them as you go (although of course you clan prepare them beforehand), which saves a great deal of prep time.
While the beginning of the campaign is slightly railroaded, the authors have really made an effort of offering lots of alternatives to accommodate possible decisions of the player characters all along the four episodes. I like that the campaign starts with two flashbacks that set the tone for what is coming afterwards. The first scenario is "The Feast of Beasts" and is the introduction to the campaign, which will take several fictional years in the world of Glorantha to complete. This scenario presents the campaign arc, which is deeply rooted in the myths of the god Orlanth and the goddess Ernalda, and thus a perfect way to get your feet into this mythical world.
SPOILERS AHEAD: If you want to enjoy playing this campaign, skip this section! In the first scenario, during a holy festival, one of the player characters falls in love with a beautiful priestess of Ernalda and starts wooing her. The priestess sets 3 "impossible tasks" to prove his worth, tasks only fit for a hero. So the three following scenarios are these three challenges. By successfully completing each of them, that player character will not only win the hand of his beloved, but the party will become heroes and heroines that will kick off the rebellion against the Lunar Empire. The second scenario is the first task: retaking the hands the Lunars cut off from the priestess' father no other than Hofstaring Treeleaper, a well-known Orlanthi hero. There is only one problem, those hands are now a trophy in the palace of Temertain, the current prince of Sartar, in Boldhome. If that were not enough, and old adversary will try to make the PC's mission fail. The third scenario is the second task: retrieving the lost sword of a great follower of Humakt, the god of Death. His legendary weapon lies in a dark tower in the depths of the Upland Marsh, home of Delecti the Necromancer and his hordes of undead. So the characters will need to face the dangers of the marsh and unexpected twists. Finally, the fourth scenario is the most epic. Your player characters will have to descend to the Underworld and find the particular hell where the Lunars sent Hofstaring after defeating him in battle, for him to be tortured for eternity after cutting off his hands. In other words, a journey beyond the land of mortals to rescue a legendary hero from hell. In this heroquest the player characters are going to risk everything in order to gain a powerful ally with whom to relight the flame of rebellion among the Orlanthi in Sartar. No small feat!
What I liked the most when I played through this campaign with my friends is that you don't just complete random missions even if you are playing with beginning characters. Quite the contrary: you dive deep into the thick of the setting, dealing with important NPCs and even accomplishing great changes for the good of your people. It is heroic and it is mythic. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes concludes with an appendix with several pieces of useful information: the languages spoken in Dragon Pass, time in Glorantha, a calendar with all the holy days and a chronology of events in Dragon Pass. After that, an alphabetical index of names.
Wait... There's more!
You can find some handouts to download for free from including a Player's Primer, the clan creation questionnaire and the character sheets. Chaosium also sells the Sartar's Campaign Pack which includes all the maps in the book for 3$ ready to print. There is also the Sartar Companion, a supplement with all the information that could not be included in Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes due to lack of space. It includes seven additional scenarios. The first one is free to download from here and is set in Apple Lane. I would also recommend any GMs and players to play the videogame King of Dragon Pass because it can provide lots of ideas for further scenarios.
The Colymar Campaign can be linked with the RuneQuest scenarios set in Dragon Pass, with Pavis: Gateway to Adventure, another thick supplement with background and scenarios, or with the The Coming Storm campaign. Finally, the old Hero Wars and HeroQuest scenarios are still available in PDF at Chaosium for just 5$. With all this material and your own imagination, you can run a big campaign for years.
Wrapping up
Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes is available at Chaosium for 20$ in PDF. You can also find it at DrivethruRPG. As for the printed book, after a long time with no new print run, it is now again available in print on demand through Lulu. It is quite expensive, but it contains everything you need to enjoy a truly heroic Orlanthi campaign. Other publishing companies would have divided those 378 pages in several different supplements that together would have cost more than the actual book. It is also a perfect introduction to the world of Glorantha. A GM can read this book and start playing without needing to know anything else from the setting. As for the players, they empathize quickly with the Orlanthi barbarians who value honor, vengeance and freedom, and who can wield powerful magic like casting lightning from his hands or teleporting or making the land crumble beneath their enemies.
All in all, a great supplement. It will surprise both those who already know about Glorantha and those who would like to start running epic adventures in a mythic world.
You will love this book if:

- You are planning to run an Orlanthi campaign in Sartar, either with HeroQuest or RuneQuest or even 13th Age Glorantha or any other ruleset.
- You know nothing about Glorantha, but want to start somewhere.
- You like complete roleplaying supplements that include extensive background information paired with scenarios.
- You are running The Red Cow epic campaign, but need background information and extra scenarios.
You don't really need this book if:
- You don't like the Orlanthi culture.
- You are running a Gloranthan campaign set somewhere far away from Dragon Pass.
It takes 2 minutes to browse through Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes in this video:
Have you run or played the campaign in Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes? Are you planning to? Tell me about it in the comments below.
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